Tuesday 21 August 2007

A Question Answered

A voice reverberates throughout my cave... it rises and falls in volume , it screams like a lover in the throes of passion and then whispers like the surgog breeze. How Do You Relax? it breathes.
The hairs on my back shiver.. i feel compelled to answer for the questioner has become clear in my mind...It is Quont, father of lust.
I relax in many ways, by eating in general and in particularly by eating my own species.disgusting to most, it causes me no end of problems in Mernac. I also pray daily for food to whatever god will listen...
to this day, the haunch of a bull-orc roasted to a cinder makes my fangs ache with anticipation.

oh...and i also read a lot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very nice pic. Show's a very relaxed Shanyaks.